November 22, 2020
Update: Added confirmation and unconfirmation profile Id via WhatsApp application.
April 27, 2018
New version for Android released: supporting Android 8, size of APK file decreased
November 17, 2015
Two games added to collection:
- Lottery. You can buy one or more tickets and cross fingers for your luck. By the way, when users buying tickets - prize fund is growing. Winner taken randomly each night getting all prize fund.
- Stock. Buy and sell commodities like gold, oil, wheat with real-world prices. Test your finance skills!
July 6, 2015
Two new builds 2.3.2 released for Java for phones and PC
June 30, 2015
New Android build released - 2.3.2. It introduces some improvements when chatting, coloring updates and increases connection stability.
May 22, 2015
Those updates were rolled:
- updated design of main site www.avacs.net;
- added new service "Doorman";
- increased size of invitation to rooms from 10 to 50;
- added possibility to download LiveChat directly to phone;
- bug fixes and other minor improvements;
July 1, 2014
Today updates:
- improved ban/unban mechanism;
- added possibility to attach description for money transfer between users.
April 5, 2014
Following updates rolled:
- new service added: change room background;
- price for market ad decreased to 1.00;
- made possible to change owner by creator;
- merchants are grouped by countries now;
- you can set/withdraw RO to/from users for other rooms than your current;
- added possibility to login by ID + password;
- added possibility to change room type (Common or Private);
- added possibility to change room language;
- added "Contact owner" to room information menu;
- added possibility to "Remove user from your Ignore-list" to "About user" menu;
- increase room antiflood time to 1 hour;
- added possibility to enter RGB-value for room background, nick color and user text in room;
- added possibility to search room by ID and to search user by his ID;
- added informational messages to room about adding/removing room moderator and changing room owner;
- it's possible now to kick SM from private rooms;
- fixed bugs and typo.
October 10, 2013
Today update contains following changes:
- fixed ranks of users;
- added private messages history per user;
- added crown for SM in newsline;
- reordered menus according to usage statistics;
- a bunch of other small fixes and optimizations.
April 2, 2013
Today rollup contains:
- added time left to voting end for "Best week photo" and "Supermoderator" voting;
- added possibility to set in Read-only from "Who in room" form;
- fixed "Many marry/friendship connection requests";
- set prize back to $100 for "Best week photo";
- bunch of smaller fixes, rewordings, etc.
February 5, 2013
Today updates:
- added "rooms in which I am moderator" and "rooms which I created" sections;
- increased number of records in ContactBook to 25 per page;
- added possibility to vote for best week photo 3 or 10 times in a row;
- increased prize for best week photo from 100 bonuses to 300;
January 6, 2013
New service for changing nick color was added. Use it to change your nick color in chat from default (black) to any which you like
December 5, 2012
It's one more step more difficult now to make flood in rooms. Users are advised to have limited number of "Confirmed" nicks (which some flooders use to make flood).
November 7, 2012
New version 2.2.1 released. Please, refer to http://wap.avacs.net, http://load.avacschat.net, http://wap.avacsmobile.de for downloading it.
Added features:
-extended list of available servers
-mechanism of testing and replacing available/filtered servers (specialy for iranian users)
-removed two-forked information sending/receiving via socket (decrease DC in some cases)
Fixed bugs:
-File sending over http (happened with 2nd http server)
-Main chat offset up for populated rooms
August 15, 2012
- geographical location added - you can find LiveChat users near you or check distance to your friends
- now, if some nick blocked/banned - you can see the reason
- on user creation, city also attached to user (if found)
August 2, 2012
- Servers performance improved, so you should not notice any response lags. We did a lot of work regarding scalability and there are still a lot things to do.
- Fixed bug: "news line not showed"
May 31, 2012
If you are using LiveChat version older than 2.2.0 - please, consider download (from wap.avacs.net) and switching to 2.2.0 , because support for older versions will be closed soon
April 13, 2012
Updates: moderators can't kick each other from private room
March 10, 2012
Today updates:
- added photoalbums;
- added possibility to make your profile "Unconfirmed" again (if you need to change registered phone number)
January 27, 2012
- Profile confirmation and automatic restore password can be tracked now in Purse history;
- Profile confirmation phone number now visible in your Questionnaire;
- Allowed password restore for currently logged in nick;
- Fixed "Invited By".
- Manual password restore price increased to $5.00. Please, use automatic password restore for confirmed profiles.
- Minor translation corrections.